Friday, April 1, 2011

CB4 update (release 68)

Hi guys

So today we launched CB4 (build 68) of the game, in order to perform some tweaks before the next big release. I have outlined the release notes below. The key take-away is that we are making room for the new upgrade system, new progression and new rating system, and in the processes we have temporarily 'suspended' most of the current upgrades, so we can slot in the new system seamlessly.

Also, as a further update on the EU servers, we have some continuing bad news; we are still in waiting mode to get the equipment cleared, and at this pace we don't anticipate it will happen until next week. In order to stop this frustrating process we have also taken some drastic contingency measure and are shipping MORE equipment with a different carrier just to get the stuff (at this point ANY stuff) in to the country. If all goes well it will be there first part of next week.

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